May 27Liked by Simone Grünewald

I love this! I have been doing more traditional work for the past year and rarely touch my iPad. I have grown and learned so much more from traditional work than I ever did with digital. I am excited to see your progress too! I have so much more to learn.

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Waaaah I'd love to see your new works!!! It's been so long!

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May 27Liked by Simone Grünewald

I need to share! My discord got so overloaded it became kind of a white noise situation. I’ll share this week for sure!

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May 28Liked by Simone Grünewald

Ah! For me sketching feels nicer on paper... Like if I were more on control of it. The way the pencil moves on the paper is different. On the tablet it feels as if it... slips? Like ice-skating :|

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May 28Liked by Simone Grünewald

We can feel your joy through those last gouache paintings, you had tons of fun and we can tell :D Wishing you the best on this new journey!!

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thaaanks! hihihi

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May 28Liked by Simone Grünewald

These are so, so charming! Smart to use digital to plan and then traditional to execute...I'm cheering you on! I've always been a traditional artist, and though I've tried digital a couple of times, I'm too attached to the feel of ink on paper and paint blurring from the tip of a brush, as well as the texture of paper.

Of course there is always a risk it won't turn out but even 'failed' paintings still have a character and humanity to them. When I find myself getting too stressed about my art not 'working out', I try to draw for a few weeks without under-drawings or planning -- just a ballpoint pen or straight up paint to paper. It usually helps me feel more confident :) ~

I've been making time to do your weekly challenges, thank you so much for the continued inspiration xoxo

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the ballpoint pen sketching without underdrawings is so "masterclass" to me. I keep trying to do it and then give it up cause I hate the results ^^' but I have been dong it more of late for the exact same reason. I'm glad to inspire! <3

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I recently decided to learn watercolors. Because I just want to get away from all the screens.

Btw your art is beautiful no matter the medium you choose 😊

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Thank you so so much!

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May 27Liked by Simone Grünewald

It’s so interesting to hear about your journey with this, I was sorta the opposite in the sense that I started getting into art when I got an iPad and an Apple Pencil since that made drawing complex stuff so much easier.

But lately I have tried to get more into drawing traditionally and I really agree with how weirdly freeing it is to not have the convenience of a redo button.

I still love both (I do a webcomic and typically I do a rough draft on paper and then trace over it in ProCreate) but there’s nothing like the feeling of sketching on a good piece of paper.

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May 27Liked by Simone Grünewald

Your gouache work is really lovely, thanks for sharing!

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I love changes and tryign different things all the time so I constantly switch between digital and a variety of traditional mediums, therefore never becoming really good at one thing, but having lots of fun nonetheless.

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