I'm now following advice (maybe from Oliver Burkeman's 4000 weeks) to focus on no more than three projects at a time. I have a list of about a dozen I want to work on, but I have to complete a project for another to become one of the three. It has helped with the overwhelm, but I confess to waking at 5am this morning because my brain is buzzing with book deadlines!

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They are all so cute and lively but C is my favourite!

I tend to overload my plate too, all the time. (Currently doing it right now, haha.) The only advice I can give is something that I learned in project management: try keeping an Excel diary of tasks for a specific project (like a commission), and always note down the blocks of hours that you spent on it -- including all that pesky overhead. At the end, you'll have a rough estimate of how many hours the next similar project will take...it's soooo much more than one thinks, haha! Helps me make informed decisions though when life is already busy and the temptation is there to add 'just one more thing'... xD

The reality, too, is that sometimes there are crazy-busy seasons, and then calmer seasons. It's hard making sure the crazy seasons don't last too long or you'll never get the chance to recover!

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