I did use a ink pen for a while to sketch, but went back to graphite. I think I need to try coloring pencils next. Maybe that is the sweet spot 😊 And your sketches inspiring me to try it.

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:D nice! I really love how colored pencils make the sketchbook so vibrant!

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Jun 17Liked by Simone Grünewald

I actually recently discovered this! Normally I tend to draw really small and with a cheap pen but I then one day I didn't feel like using my pens so I went with charcoal. I ended up drawing much larger than I ever thought I could and it made me realize that I actually like sketching large!

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:D that is so cool! That's a huge discovery! No pun intended x)

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Jun 17Liked by Simone Grünewald

You’re a great inspiration 🤩🤩🙏🏻

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Awww I'm glad!<3

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The curved vs straight is going to quietly revolutionise my art! You've opened my mind, Schmoe <3

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